In Clonroche N.S we place a huge emphasis on the promotion of music throughout the school. The village and surrounding areas of Clonroche have a very strong heritage of music, and we here in Clonroche N.S strive to keep that tradition alive. To this end, every child in the school receives a complimentary tin whistle in 1st class and subsequent tin whistle lessons at least once a week, throughout their time in the school, if they wish. This introduction to musical instruments, at such a young age, has led to many of our current and former students, playing instruments such as keyboards, guitars, mandolins, bodhráns, flutes, drums, bagpipes and many more.
Our school band, under the watchful eye of Principal Norma Doyle, has performed, and continues to perform at various events throughout the school year such as school masses and celebrations, Church events and Seachtain na Gaeilge activities to mention but a few.
The main event for the school band comes around every 2 years when they take centre stage at the school’s Christmas concert. This biennial production affords every child in the school an
opportunity to perform on stage in the local parish hall. The school Christmas concert is now well established locally and has become one of the school’s main fundraising events due to its popularity.
We recently purchased a class set of ukuleles that the children in
5th and 6th class have been learning how to play. All children in the senior classes will be given an opportunity to learn how to play them.
Like music, singing is fostered in the school in all classes. The senior students have an opportunity to audition for the school choir on an annual basis. The choir performs at all Church events, school masses, celebratory occasions and in the school concert.
The school also partakes in Sing Out Loud. This is a singing initiative, where students from 3rd to 6th class learn a medley of songs in school over a number of weeks. They then have the privilege of performing them on the stage of the renowned National Opera House, Wexford, under the direction of the wonderfully talented Sing Out Loud team.